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Monthly Archives: August 2024


Can Retirees Get a Mortgage?

By Laurie R. Chane |

If you have lived anywhere in the United States, especially Florida, for the past three years, you would not be unreasonable to think that consumer debt is an inalienable feature of the human condition.  From the time you enter the workforce or reach the age of majority, whichever happens first, until you die, you… Read More »

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Avoiding Senior Homeownership Drama

By Laurie R. Chane |

In many ways, love and marriage are simpler late in life.  Finding someone new after both of you have been widowed puts you in a unique position to understand each other.  You both have a proven track record of being good at marriage, and you understand how your spouse and your stepchildren feel about… Read More »

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The Good Enough Retirement Savings Plan

By Laurie R. Chane |

When you are young, it never crosses your mind that one day, you will not be able to work, and the money in your bank account represents all the employment income you will ever have.  You keep focusing on building your resume for that well-paying job somewhere in the future, while also spending some… Read More »

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What Can Go Wrong With a Trust?

By Laurie R. Chane |

The websites of financial planners and estate-planning law firms sometimes make it sound like establishing a trust is a solution to all your problems.  They give you the impression that setting up a trust is like building your very own robot assistant that issues checks to your overgrown children and slips through the fingers… Read More »

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