Questions To Expect From Children When Going Through A Florida Divorce

Divorce is tough on the entire family, so you are no doubt concerned about how the process will affect children of any age. The good news is that kids are resilient, and there are many ways to make them feel that they have a support system in place. Some important tips include respecting their emotions, maintaining civility when dealing with a co-parent, and doing your best to maintain routines and consistency. Parents should also closely monitor performance at school and watch for signs of anxiety or behavior problems. If you have concerns, it may be wise to consider professional help. Most importantly though is not to share information about the court proceedings with the child. Do not talk bad about the other parent to the other child or even in the child’s presence. Children have an absolute right to love both parents and to maintain a relationship with both parents regardless of how the parents themselves feel.
However, one of the most effective strategies for helping children cope with divorce is to provide honest, thoughtful answers to their many questions. Your kids have doubts and concerns, and giving them important, age-appropriate information can calm uncertainties. As you work through the legal details with your Dade City divorce lawyer, bear in mind that there are some questions children are likely to ask.
Why are you getting a divorce? When spouses decide they no longer want to be married and live together, divorce is the way they end the relationship. It is necessary to go through the process because they are legally and financially connected, and divorce makes them single individuals. Divorce is sometimes best when spouses cannot repair their relationship.
Is it something I did? Children are not the reason their parents are getting a divorce, not misbehavior, poor grades, or conflict between siblings. Parties to a divorce may have fallen out of love, but the love for their children remains as strong as ever. Eliminate any feelings of blame or guilt.
Will I have to go to court? Parents will address allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time during the divorce process, concepts familiarly known as child custody and visitation. In many cases, these issues are resolved out of court by agreement or through mediation. Very rarely are children asked to testify in court proceedings, In Florida, before a minor can testify, one must file a motion and the Court must rule prior to bringing them to court. In the rare instance a child is permitted to testify, the judge will usually talk to the child outside of the presence of the parents. More often though a guardian ad litem may be appointed who would interview the child and investigate the matter and report it to the court.
What will life be like after divorce? The biggest change will probably be related to where the child calls home, and there are different arrangements. A common scenario is having one primary residence, and the child has parenting time with the other parent. This arrangement could be a 50-50 split, or one parent would have more nights than the other on a regular basis. The parenting schedule will also account for holidays, school breaks, birthdays, vacations, and other special events. Assure your child that while they will all not be living together, both parents love the child.
Count on a Florida Divorce Attorney to Assist with Legal Issues
Parents may have just as many questions and doubts as children when going through divorce, and our team at The Law Office of Laurie R. Chane is prepared to respond to them. For more information, please call 352-567-0055 or go online to set up a consultation at our location in Dade City, FL.