Reasons You Still Need A Lawyer For A Florida Uncontested Custody Case

If you and your child’s other parent have been able to reach an agreement in your Florida custody case, you are in a very good position relative to many other co-parents. They might be looking at court hearings, mediation, and a long litigation process before obtaining resolution on parental responsibilities and time-sharing. Fortunately, you can sidestep these proceedings when you reach a compromise on your parenting plan. As long as it complies with the child’s best interests as required by Florida law, a judge is likely to approve it and you can move forward with implementing your agreement.
However, it is crucial to realize that there are still legal issues that come up in uncontested custody cases. These matters can have an impact on your parental rights and lead to disputes over what you assumed was an ironclad, agreed-upon parenting plan. Despite what you might assume, there are a few reasons you still need a lawyer for a Dade City child custody attorney for help with a Florida uncontested custody case.
There are still numerous laws that apply to uncontested custody cases. In addition to understanding the details of Florida’s child’s best interests standard, you also need to be aware of certain legal concepts when entering a parenting plan agreement. Advanced legal knowledge is necessary to address such issues as:
- Entering your parenting plan in a court order;
- The visitation schedule for the non-residential parent;
- Modifications of custody and the parenting plan; and
- The role of child support in custody matters.
You cannot protect your parental rights if you do not understand them. Many parents recognize their responsibilities with respect to children, but some are not familiar with their rights in raising them. As a result, you could inadvertently give them up. For instance, Florida law prefers a custody situation where both parents share in important decision-making. You forego your right to participate if you do not have a lawyer to advise you on the implications of your parenting plan agreement.
Attorneys can assist with creative solutions. Every family is different, and co-parents often think outside the box when creating a parenting plan agreement. However, you might have a hard time convincing a judge to accept unusual arrangements for custody and visitation. With an attorney’s help, it is possible to persuade the court on creative solutions.
You save money with experienced legal counsel. You might be surprised to learn that retaining a lawyer can actually be more cost-effective than going it alone. Mistakes and omissions are common, leading to delays and multiple trips to the courthouse. An attorney has in-depth knowledge of the laws and procedural rules that can be very complex when they are brand-new to you.
Reach Out to a Pasco County, FL Child Custody Lawyer for Assistance
To learn more about how our attorneys can support your needs in an uncontested divorce, please call 352-567-0055 to reach The Law Office of Laurie R. Chane in Dade City, FL. We can set up a consultation to review your circumstances and determine next steps.